Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Jenna Dye

“Come back, please”
I wish I could see his sparkling blue eyes open again, why couldn’t I put my phone down. This is all my fault, if my eyes were focused his eyes could see. Why couldn’t I keep my hands on the wheel so his hands could feel and hold mine. I wish I could breath for him, see for him, my heart beat for his. Why did I do this. I wish I could take back time. Riley used to tell me he would love me always, forever, he would tell me his love for me is never ending. If this means his life is will end, will his love too? I don’t want to think like this but this is reality and I need to face it.
The first time I ever saw Riley was around 2 years ago, my dad had just gotten a new job which moved us from Melbourne to Sydney. I did not want to move. I tried so hard to get my dad to keep his job in Melbourne, but he wouldn’t. So here I found myself two months later as the new girl, no friends at all.
 I remember what he was wearing, blue ripped jeans, and a grey oversized hoodie. I remember his smell like fresh rain after its hit the asphalt, but the thing I remember the most was the way he looked at me, the shine in his eyes when our eyes made contact. My heartbeat raced faster.
A short while later we herd the loud ring of the bell, so I started packing up all my things but in the corner of my eye I saw him walking up to me, my heart was beating so hard I could almost hear it. My hands were shaking vigorously. I was so nervous my hands were so sweaty. Then he said to me,
“Hi, I’m Riley”
“Oh, Hi I’m Aspyn” I said
“I know this may seem random or out of the blue, but would you like to go on a date with me?” he said
I could see how nervous he was, and I didn’t want to be rude, but I was not wanting to be in a relationship at all. I just wanted to survive this week, not get asked out by a boy, I didn’t know what to say.
“Well it’s my 3rd day living in Sydney and my 1st day at this school. I don’t really know you, and I don’t know this city. I don’t know if my mom would be okay with this I, don’t know if I would be okay with this... I’m sorry I’m not trying to be rude” I said.
“Hey, don’t feel bad I would totally be the same way, but I can show you around and take you places, you can get to know me and this city!” he said with a smile.
“I don’t know.”
“Come on!”
“Okay fine”He asked for my number and I reluctantly gave it to him.
                I couldn’t believe those words came out of my mouth I just said yes to going out with a stranger! I know my mom would not be okay with this she would be furious so I can’t tell her. She would be mad at me for saying yes. When I got home I went straight up to my room, really it’s just all my boxes stuffed into my room, but I don’t want to unpack because I’m hoping that my parents will want to leave as much as I do, so why should I unpack just to pack up again, now that I’m thinking about it I really should unpack my parents didn’t travel 546 miles just to pack up and turn back around. Now with Riley I have a reason to stay. So I started unpacking in hope to find something cute to wear on my date. Thankfully I found my black ripped jeans and maroon sweater.
That night I got a text from Riley, it said  
“hey Aspyn, does this Friday at 6 work?” I quickly replied with
I finished up my dinner and homework and went to sleep. The next day I woke up bright and early at 5, so I could look my best today. It wasn’t an average school day all long and boring. I was in the best mood ever, and so happy, thanks to Riley. After school I started getting ready right away. At 6 I heard my door bell ring, I was so nervous yet excited. I walked down grabbed my purse and left, I didn’t even tell my mom because I know she would say no. Riley took me to the Luna Park. I had a blast, we rode almost every ride they had 3 times. We were there until 11, on the way home me and Riley just talked and talked, every moment I was with him the more I fell in love with him. When we got to my house Riley and me just sat there, until he grabbed my hand pulled me in closer and kissed me. Right then I knew that our love would be everlasting.
            After that me and riley spent every moment together. Our relationship was so strong, and so was our love for each other. We had so many laughs and we were always happy with each other, Riley used to always tell me that his love was forever and never changing, he loved me so much. And I loved him. We had been dating for 3 years by the time of the accident.
            It was January 12th, our 3rd year anniversary. I was going to go pick him up for our anniversary, we were going to a beach resort in Melbourne, it was raining pretty hard. When I got to Riley’s house he came out with such a bright smile. I wish I could have known that would have been one of the last times I saw him smile, so I wouldn’t have taken it for granted. It was an 8 hour drive, in the rain. And I was stupid enough to be on my phone. The last thing I remember was headlights and His face. Now 9 months later he is lying in a hospital bed, in a coma that I caused.
            It was around midnight when I heard a large blare, the ones I heard in movies when the heart stopped beating, the one I dreading so. I couldn’t handle it, I wanted to stay by his side, and feel his warm body, but I knew I couldn’t do anything, I was in the way of the doctors.
            “They will help him…” I told myself over and over, but to no avail. I knew it was over, I knew it was my fault. I wondered if he blamed me, if he feels hatred towards me. Felt. He felt hatred. You can’t feel things when you’re dead. Dead. That’s what he was. My FAULT. Dead. Feel. Hate. Everlasting.
            Words spun in my head like the raging weather outside the window. I stared at the raindrops as they raced one another to the bottom. Stupid things like this kept my mind from wandering back to him. It was around 2:30 when they let me back into his room. I laid my head on his chest, sobbing until my eyes had no more tears to give. When I finally calmed down, I felt (and heard) a slight babum, babum, babum. I immediately shot my eyes up to meet his eyelids. They were still closed, but I could feel puffs of hot breath being pushed from his lips.

            I whispered… nothing, I tried again…nothing…I began to cry again, this time not as hard. I kissed his forehead, and when I brought my eyes back to where his should have been closed, I saw bright blue ones staring back at me.